Usefull information

Soft gel capsules Advantages
The main advantage of a soft gel capsule is how much it facilitates the ingestion of poorly bioavailable active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Swallowing soft capsules
Bioavailability is the proportion of the actual amount of API that has an appreciable effect on the total amount administered.
According to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System, there are four main classes of APIs.
Class I is the easiest to work with and Class IV is the most difficult.
Most modern drugs are class II, which means they have low solubility at certain doses but remain fairly permeable.
Since most drugs are administered at fairly low doses, this would be a problem if there wasn't an effective delivery system.
This is where soft gel capsules come in. They improve bioavailability by delivering drugs already suspended in solution, where compounds that enhance absorption can also be added.
Another advantage of soft gel capsules is that they are easy to swallow.
They can be formulated to be flavourless, which is better than the bitterness of most tablets and hard capsules.
In addition, they can also be flavoured. This can include both adding an enticing colour and a desired flavour. This makes drugs and supplements delivered in soft gel capsules highly desirable.
Soft gel capsules are good for high-performance APIs. This requires only the smallest doses delivered in a highly controlled manner.


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